Unveiling the Beauty of Ruby: A Guide to the Gemstone

Ruby, one of the most precious stones in terms of beauty and aesthetics, is known as the master of stones in India. The Ruby, which belongs to the corundum group, is the most precious and hardest stone after the Diamond. The hardness of the Ruby is 9.0, melting point is 2050 °C.

It has a range of colors in various shades of red, from red to brown or from pink to lilac. The red color of the Ruby is the chrome element inside.

Ruby was used in making the first laser. Contrary to what I think, making a laser with ruby is not easy.

Although Ruby is a naturally unflattering stone, it can be as glamorous as diamonds when handled with skilled hands. The most precious Ruby is red blood.

Ruby gives people a sense of freedom and a revival effect. Courage, leadership, happiness. The Ruby stone stimulates blood circulation in a positive way. Gives a sense of courage and self-esteem to the person who carries it. The red color reflects the energy in the person who carries it.

Ruby stone is used as precious stones in jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and necklaces. It takes its place among the most valuable pieces of jewelry lovers. It reflects a wonderful color fan that houses shades of red. It is known that the red color enhances the body's resistance and strengthens the immune system. Ruby stone is a favorite and preferred stone among medicinal stones.